Location and surroundings

Location and surroundings

Motel Myllymaja is located in North Karelia at Ylämylly / Liperi, near Joensuu along Kuopio main road. You can see a more detailed location from the map link.
See the map here.

Ylämylly offers shopping-, banking-, restaurant- and other services. There is also the Pärnävaara Ski Center nearby, where you can find wonderful scenic trails for both fitness and racing skiers during winter. In summer you can go roller skiing, rollerblading hiking there.


  • Joensuu airport 11km
  • Joensuu centre 14km
  • Pärnävaara Ski Resort 6.6km
  • Honkalampi public beach 2.7km

Next to motel: Shell Ylämylly 24h, Burger King, Tokmanni, pharmacy, K-market Ylämylly, Osuuspankki and ATM, and Heinonen's Bakery-Café store. In addition, there is a gym, pizzeria, fleamarket (500m) and Restaurant Ramona (1.2km) nearby. 

You can find more information about the services at the following links: